Merri-bek City Council wants to purchase goods and services from local suppliers, social enterprise (including First Nations businesses and Disability Enterprise).
That is why we have developed a Local Supplier Register. When you REGISTER THROUGH THIS PORTAL, if you have a postcode in Merri-bek or Melbourne’s North then our Register will identify you as local.
Council’s purchasing staff will use this Register to locate local suppliers and social enterprise. Whilst we can’t guarantee you will be contacted to provide Council with a quote, if your details are registered then you give yourself every chance.
The table below outlines the information staff seek when purchasing goods and services.
Purchase amount (incl. GST)
Type of procurement contract
Process (information required from suppliers)
Request for quotation (RFQ)
$1,001 - $10,000
- At least one written quote.
$10,001 -$30,000
- At least two written quotes.
$30,001 - $100,000
- At least three written quotes
$100,001 - $300,000
RFQ (higher risk)
- At least three written quotes
- More information is required from potential suppliers via an RFQ process.
> $300,000
for one-off purchases or if the cumulative spend over the life of the contract is expected to exceed $300,000
Public Tender
- Suppliers complete Tender Response Schedules and attach evidence of their ability to meet the requirements of the tender.
- Submissions are evaluated to determine the successful tenderer.
You will only be contacted for purchases that are less than $300,000 (ie not a public tender).
When you have completed the registration form, you will be prompted to create ‘subscription’ alerts by choosing the goods and services categories that relate to your business. You only need to do this if you would like to receive public tender (ie purchases >$300,000) notifications.